Tuesday, July 31, 2012


My name is Jenna Marie. There is nothing extraordinary about me whatsoever. I don't say that as a negative thing nor do I say it as a positive thing. It is simply a true thing. To say that I am normal, however, would not be entirely accurate. I consider myself to be nerdy and quirky. I consider myself to be intelligent to an extent, but I openly admit to trying to look and sound like I know more than I do. I am a dreamer, an idealist, someone who looks at things and sees what could be, not what is. I think this last point is both my most favorite feature and often times my downfall.

Oh yeah, I'm also a walking contradiction. That is why I am starting my blog. Hopefully I will be able to sort out some of my...well....let's just call them quirks.

Right now in my life, I am concerned with and OH SO confused about a number of things. These are the things that I hope to address through this new and strange medium called my blog:

health concerns
religious confusion
political bullshit
travel adventures
hopes and dreams
relationship dynamics
family and friends
general updates

I do not expect this to be the most entertaining or rousing blog. I don't even know exactly why I am even doing this. Peace of mind? I don't know...these things have always seemed so ego-centric to me. Let's just wait and see...

...or read, if you will.